For those in management area will know
what PDCA is?
But for those who are not so familiar with it,
it is
P (Plan) D (Do) C ( Check) A (Act)
It is not only good for management field
but also in many other fields.
I do believe that
whatever field you are working in,
management is surely something you have to do
and this PDCA will help you in your job hopefully.
In whatever you do ,
if you plan it first of what is needed to be done
the job will be half done already
as you and the others will know what are you doing and why are you doing it.
After the good planning,
the doing has to follow.
The plan that is stuck in your head and not implemented is worthless.
After things are said and done,
you will have to check how your plans work
and what is needed to be fixed or kept.
Then , after thorough checking and knowing of what to be done,
act to change it
and the cycle repeats with the planning
for the edited new process again.