วันเสาร์ที่ 18 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Most Valuable

What is the most valuable asset on our hand??

Not a fancy car , glamorous handbags , luxurious condo

But it is

what everyone has equally,

Time !!!

Everyone 's got 24 hours equaly

no matter who they are

rich or poor , young or old , men or women

We all have the same share

But what makes the difference

between each of us

is the time management we implement.

Those who are busy

seem to have less time on their hands


they have a better skill on managing the scarce resource , time


Those who seem to have plenty of time on their hand


complain that they are bored

with nothing to do

but they dont seem to get anything done

that is a mystery indeed.

We seem to be in both situations before

busy and bored with free time

That is the past  

Ask urself

what about now??

Have u used 24 hours wisely

It doesnt need to be as efficient

so that

u dont get to relax or have fun at all

the resting time is also a valuable time

Just make it a well managed one

and u will see that

u have more time in ur hand .

