วันเสาร์ที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Don't sweat the small stuff

The first time I heard the phrase

Don't sweat the small stuff

was from the movie

Cast Away

a great movie , which I would do a review later.

It seemed to be a very catchy phrase at the time.

Like everything else,

as the time flies,

we seem to overlook and forget it.


I got the book

Don't sweat the small stuff

and it's all small stuff.

Even a better phrase which elaborates on the issue very well.

One part from the book

mentioning that

next time we feel upset about things or people

let them be our teachers

let those crazy drivers teach us about being reckless

and remind us not to do like them.

Or those unorganised people show us

how we should do better

if someone is late for a date or appointment

just relaxed

and learn from the incidence,

that way ,

we will not only avoid the unnecessary argument

but also

it will bring about the better atmosphere

for the upcoming events.

From all these perspectives,

we will no longer feel upset

and become better understanding with issue at hands.

We will learn to strive for better self

and at least calmer.

As we will then realise that

they are not assholes , but our valuable teachers

in the lesson we call

Life lesson.

