วันเสาร์ที่ 14 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554


There is nothing that lasts forever

Every uncertainty can happen

at any time , anywhere

The blog that never fails like google

can be out of order

the last diary website I used to write

got shutdown due to the internal fight amongst the staff

But instead of feeling so upset

and blaming everything accounting for it

it's better to accept it

and move on

what or who u have today may not be here for u

in the future.


Nothing is yours to start with.

U come to this world alone

and u will have to leave it by urself

with no one else and nothing u can carry along

So one day

u will be parted from them dead or alive.

Future may not be foretold

so there is nothing much to do

 but to be ready for the change


when the time comes

u will not feel so bad

Change before u r forced to change

The most adaptive creatures survive from the ancient time

not the strongest

so are u ready for the unexpected change????

