วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Learn to fail ?

One thing that u need to do in life

is learn to fail

that is sound so contradictory


nobody wants to fail

even scared to do so

But why many books suggest to do so

or even I encourage one to do so

that could be


nobody has never failed

when we first learnt to walk

we failed in doing so in the first try

we even failed in our secound , third  and fourth attempt


why we can walk today

and we all know the answer to that question

because we never see it as a failure

we continue to try

until we can accomplish 

the impossible task of walking  

with encouragement from others around us at the time

and after hundreds or even thousands fall

we accomplished the task of learning how to walk

and keep the skill until today


there is nothing wrong in failure

we just have to learn from it

and get up after each fall we make

the history of every great man

of course mentions a failure in his life

but the history remembers him

because he decided to get up and overcome his failure

at the same time

the history chooses to forget

those who fall and stay there

so which side do u want to chooose?

that is up to u

