วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Tiny Tower

The game I was recommended to play recently

called Tiny Tower .

The task of the game is to

build the tower

with each floor depending on the type we want to build

for example

recreation , food , service , retail and creativity


we need to fit the workes into the workplace

according to their skills

especially if the work is their dreamjob.

The game though does not feature great graphic,

the details with the world and imagination is very good.

It of course gets me thinking (again)


if we do the job we love

we will do well personally and professionally

which could mean a bright future ahead.

We have to find or at least rate ourselves

of what level are we on in each category

from the game

retail , food , creativity , service and recreation


in the real life 

this could be various 

management , engineering , medicine , secretary , sales , teaching , etc. 

What sector of work are we qualified and just want to work in?

It doesn't matter what field we graduate from

sometimes what we are interested in is much more important.


the sooner we find ourselves ,

the better we will be right on our future path.

Like many thinkers used to say

the greater the passion

the more likely that you will be more successful!!!

